Models and Parameters

This document describes the galaxy parameters and models that are implemented in the program. For more detailed information take a look into analysis.models and the galsim documentation.

Galaxy Models

Name Description
gaussian Gaussian galaxy profile, galsim.Gaussian.
exponential Exponential galaxy profile, galsim.Exponential.
deVaucouleurs DeVaucouleurs galaxy profile, galsim.DeVaucouleurs.
bulgeDisk Combined exponential (disk) and deVaucouleurs (bulge) profile.

Galaxy Parameters

Name Type Description
Program Parameters
project string Pixel offset of left edge of bounding box relative to left edge of survey image.
gal int32 Pixel offset of right edge of bounding box relative to left edge of survey image.
ymin int32 Pixel offset of bottom edge of bounding box relative to bottom edge of survey image.
ymax int32 Pixel offset of top edge of bounding box relative to bottom edge of survey image.
Source Properties
f_disk float32 Fraction of total galaxy flux to due a Sersic n=1 disk component.
f_bulge float32 Fraction of total galaxy flux to due a Sersic n=4 bulge component.
flux float32 Total detected flux in electrons.
x float32 Source centroid in x relative to image center in arcseconds.
y float32 Source centroid in y relative to image center in arcseconds.
e1 float32 Real part (+) of galaxy ellipticity spinor (Q11-Q22+2*Q12)/(Q11+Q22).
e2 float32 Imaginary part (x) of galaxy ellipticity spinor 2*Q12/(Q11+Q22).
g1 float32 Real part (+) of galaxy ellipticity spinor (Q11-Q22)/(Q11+Q22+2|Q|**0.5).
g2 float32 Imaginary part (x) of galaxy ellipticity spinor (2*Q12)/(Q11+Q22+2|Q|**0.5).
eta1 float32 Conformal shear with a/b = exp(eta).
eta2 float32 Conformal shear with a/b = exp(eta).
sigma float32 Galaxy size arcseconds calculated as |Q|**0.25.
sigma_p float32 Galaxy size in arcseconds calculated as (0.5*trQ)**0.5.
hlr float32 The half-light-radius of the profile.
beta float32 Position angle of second-moment ellipse in radians, or zero when a = b.
q float32 b/a ratio of semi-minor axis to semi-major axis.
fwhm float32 Full-width-half-max of the profile, defined as radius at half the max peak…
snr float32 Signal to noise ration as defined in…
hlr_b float32 hlr for the bulge component of the analysis.models.bulgeDisk model.
flux_d float32 flux for the disk component of the analysis.models.bulgeDisk model.
flux_b float32 flux for the bulge component of the analysis.models.bulgeDisk model.
R_r float32 hlr for the bulge component of the analysis.models.bulgeDisk model.

PSF Models

Name Description
psf_gaussian Gaussian galaxy profile, galsim.Gaussian.
psf_moffat Moffat galaxy profile, galsim.Moffat.

PSF Parameters

For the PSF, the parameters have the same significance as in the table of parameters as above.