IPython NotebooksΒΆ

The following iPython notebooks are included in the notebooks/ directory and can be viewed online:
  • Individual_Fisher_Analysis: Tutorial of how to use the package to analyze single galaxies using the Fisher Formalism.
  • Group_Fisher_Analysis: Tutorial of how to use the package to analyze 2 (or more) galaxies using the Fisher Formalism.
  • Fit_Analysis: Tutorial on how to use the fitting package to produce noise fits and compare results to the Fisher Formalism results.
  • how_to_add_models: Tutorial on how to add new galaxy models to be analyzed in the package.
  • Ring_Test: Tutorial on the ring test.

You can also edit and run these notebooks locally if you have ipython installed. First start the server in its own window (where it log messages will appear):

ipython notebook

This should open up a notebook browser where you can click on any of the notebooks to launch it.